The Cow-Cat

The Cow-Cat
AWWW!! Isn't he cute? He's the result of mixing a cow and a cat:) If you wanna see more (as in dogs mixed with lizards, etc. just click on the image!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


OK, so, I haven't posted in a couple months...I know, I know, I'm a horrible person, blah blah blah...
I've just been so wrapped up in life:)
But I do have an interesting story to tell today....
So, basically, its turkey day eve right?
and everyone is getting ready, getting food prepped for the big day tommorow.
So I was making my pumpkin pie. I always make pumpkin pie, every year, for thanksgiving...and I'm very good at it...
But sadly, today, I had to make another pie. Because I messed up the first. This is literally one of the easiest recipies to bake....mix, pour, bake. But first I forgot the milk. Then I put in the wrong TYPE of milk. Then I cooked the pie at the wrong temperature. Wow, talented right? Yes, I know, extrememly!