The Cow-Cat

The Cow-Cat
AWWW!! Isn't he cute? He's the result of mixing a cow and a cat:) If you wanna see more (as in dogs mixed with lizards, etc. just click on the image!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Why America is Obsese!

Today I went to Whataburger for dinner. Now, it depends on where you live, but if you DO live in Texas, you have probably heard of Whataburger. It's basically the same as Mcdonald's, Wendy's, etc.

So, I ordered my dinner, and instead of having a small drink, and small fries, I decided to "whatasize it" which means to supersize it.


Apparently the whatasized drink, is 44 OZ!


Ok, a normal, filling drink is between 12 and 20 0z. So 44 oz is just outrageous.

No wonder America is obese. We're fattening ourselves up with 44 oz sodas.

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