The Cow-Cat

The Cow-Cat
AWWW!! Isn't he cute? He's the result of mixing a cow and a cat:) If you wanna see more (as in dogs mixed with lizards, etc. just click on the image!

Sunday, July 13, 2008


OK, so I'm NOT running for president, but it's still a cool video right?
My friend sent it to me, and I literally freaked out thinking at first that I, Crazee Spots, was going to be president!! Of course, then I found out it was fake....


So, this is a pretty odd coincidence.

Most of you probably have heard of the Twilight series, right?

Well, the fourth one, Breaking Dawn, is coming out August 2nd.

One of my friends is absolutely obsessed with the series, and wanted everyone she knows who has read the series to come with her to the premiere party.


That can't exactly happen when WE'RE ALL OUT OF TOWN!

Yup, 6 or 7 people, all friends, who are ALL going to be out of town on August 2nd. Pretty odd coincidence, huh?

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